Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday Favorites- Recent Purchases

I'm linking up with Andrea who who hosts Friday Favorites over on her blog, Momfessionals.

These are some of my favorites that I have bought recently:

1. Of course we have to start out with my new favorite ice cream, NadaMoo. I have been searching for a  dairy-free ice cream and I have finally found one that is just as good as dairy ice cream. It tastes delicious and the texture is perfect. If you are looking for an alternative to dairy based ice cream, check out NadaMoo. I bought mine from Whole Foods. So far my favorite flavors are Vanilla...ahhh and Vanilla cha-cha-chai.
2. I recently purchased this ERGObaby carrier from Nordstrom during their anniversary sale. Unfortunately, the sale is over, but I LOVE my carrier. I have used other carriers before, but I'm really loving this one for Little L's age and size.
3. Speaking of Nordstrom, I couldn't resist trying the new Pina Colada Smoothie and it is definitely a new favorite of mine. Even Little L wanted some. Trust me, try it if you get the chance.
4. I have already started my Christmas shopping (pretty sure this is the earliest I have ever started) and I'm so excited about Little L's American Girl Bitty Baby (shhh...don't tell her and spoil the surprise).  I figured I would buy it while we are living near an American Girl store and I can go pick it out rather than ordering it online. Plus, they had it on sale in the store for $20 off! I got LG the bitty baby with blue eyes and blond hair.

5. I decided I wanted to display Little L's going home outfit, baby hat, hospital blanket, birth announcement, and hospital bracelet in a shadow box. I am still working on the layout of the shadow boxes I bought from Hobby Lobby, but you can see what I've got so far. I ended up buying two because they were BOGO 50% off.

That's it for this week's Friday Favorites. Wonder what we will discuss next week?

Join the party and link up with us to share some of your favorite things!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Just found your blog at the momfessionals link up. I love the idea of displaying your daughter's bsby items in a shadow box!
